MikMod Utilities
Copyright © 2005 Konstantin Korikov
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MikMod Utilities is collection of command line tools for manipulating the module sound files that are typically produced by Soundtracker, Protracker and other tools. MikMod Utilities consists of the following tools:

gives information about module

plays modules

plays samples from modules

converts modules to other audio formats

extracts samples from module

computes total modules time

All tools has support for the automatic modules decompression from bzip, gzip and pkzip archives, but this can be configured at compile-time and can be controlled at run-time. Also all tools, except mmutotal, can load modules from standard input.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


This release may contain bugs, and it may not provide all functionality that you may expect. So that, bug reports and feature requests are always welcome. Also, I hope that english-specking peoples will send to me fixes in the manuals and the messages of the program.

I using the Fedora Core Linux distribution, and I will be happy if somebody make a port of the program to other OS and send to me appropriate patch.

Thank you for interesting this program.

Konstantin Korikov <lostclus at ua dot fm>

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